
发布人:Peter 发布时间:2018年5月19日

本教学的讲师Zap Anderson是Mental Images公司(Menral ray的开发公司)的技术开发与wiki经理,他从2004年开始就在Mental ray担任Shader Wizard职位。他编写过多个随Menral ray发行的材质,包括surface, paint, architectural,还有产品材质库。

相信大家对Mental ray不会感到陌生,现今的主流三维软件中都有内置Mental ray,Mental ray凭着良好的开放性和操控性,以及与其他主流三维制作软件良好的兼容性而拥有大量的用户。早期softimage3d可以长时间称霸影视制作领域,某种程度上而言与其最早集成mentalray渲染器有着很大的关系。

即使你没有用过Mental Ray,也应该不会对使用MENTAL RAY渲染的电影感到陌生,在好莱坞Mentalray参与制作的电影数不胜数:TRON: Legacy(创:战纪):迪斯尼,Spiderman 3(蜘蛛侠 3):哥伦比亚电影公司,Brothers Grimm(格林兄弟):帝门影业,2046,The Day After Tomorrow(后天),The Matrix Revolutions(黑客帝国:矩阵),The Hulk(绿巨人)......

如果说大家觉得ZAP Anderson的Mental ray公司的技术开发与wiki经理的头衔还不够让你信服,那大家肯定不会对SSS SHADER(次表面闪射)感到陌生,这个Shader就是Anderson设计的,目前已经是生物皮肤制作的不二选择了。市面上有数百种关于这个Shader的书籍。

"Håkan 'Zap' Andersson official title at mental images is 'Shader Wizard', and is the author of many of the shaders shipping with mental ray, including the subsurface, paint, architectural and production shader libraries.

From his youth, when he hand-built is first graphics card to his first computer he has had an avid interest in visual effects and computer graphics, which persists to this day. He sees no border between work and pleasure, as long as the work is in CG...."

Professor Hakan 'Zap' Andersson has been working as "Shader Wizard" at mental images since 2004 and is the author of numerous mental ray shaders, such as the subsurface/skin shaders, the car paint shader, as well as the architectural and production shader libraries. Originally educated as an Engineer in Electronics, Zap's passion for computer graphics caused his graduation year "special project" to be an actual hand-built and hand-wired graphics card, for which he wrote his first ray tracer. Today Zap spends his days (and nights) writing shaders, documentation and tutorials for mental ray, and sometimes makes presentations at user events and conventions, as well as maintains a mental ray tips blog mentalraytips.blogspot.com.

Zap Anderson中文字幕教学
(ZM-83)Fxphd - MRY201 - Production Rendering Techniques with Mental Ray(Mental ray产品渲染技巧教学 中文字幕)

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