
Udemy | RPG Core Combat Creator - Unity 2017 Compatible In C#(独立RPG游戏开发员培训教学 完整开发一个RPG游戏实训-使用Unity 2017与C#)中英文翻译服务

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名称 Udemy | RPG Core Combat Creator - Unity 2017 Compatible In C#(独立RPG游戏开发员培训教学 完整开发一个RPG游戏实训-使用Unity 2017与C#)
编号 ZM-277
时间 41小时50分






This highly acclaimed course was over 200% funded on Kickstarter, and is designed for intermediate users of Unity. We recommend you take at least the first half of our Complete Unity Developer or equivalent as a pre-requisite.

Role Playing Games can be complex to create, with many interacting gameplay systems. We make it easy for you, with this online course that teaches you step-by-step how to make the foundations of any good RPG - from scratch.

In this course we're focusing on the core of any great RPG, giving your players a fun combat moment in a well crafted level, based upon a solid game design, built using a robust code architecture. You will follow our project, but also make the game entirely your own.

We will be dealing with AI pathfinding, creating a flexible special abilities system, and learning how to coordinate on a complex project. You'll learn to how to implement click-to-move gameplay, use asset packs, debug, make particle effects and more.

You'll need a basic grasp of Unity and C# before you get start, from there we'll be teaching you more advanced programming techniques such as C# delegates,interfaces, co-routines and more.

Building an RPG is an amazing way to level-up you game development skills, so why not join us and get started right now?


Ben Tristem

Best-selling Instructor, Game Developer, Online Entrepreneur

Hi, I'm Ben. I have a degree in computing from Imperial College London, and a physics diploma from the Open University.

从15岁开始,我就开始工作。我参加过的工作包括商业飞行员,杂技演员,攀岩教师等。但是没有一种工作能给到我像技术工作那样 持续的挑战性与稳定的收入
I started working for myself at the age of 15, and never looked back. I explored careers as varied as being a commercial pilot, stunt-man, rock climbing instructor, and more. None of these provided a continued challenge, and stable income in the same way technology does.

After building and selling a home computer support business, I became an angel investor and business mentor here in Cambridge UK. I fell in love with teaching game development through one of my investments, and I now spend all of my time sharing my passion with people like you.

I can't wait to help you experience the fulfilment, and financial freedom, that having a deep understanding of technology brings.

So why not start learning to make games with me and my team now?


Rick Davidson

Game Career Coach with 13+ years in the Video Game Industry

Rick Davidson在过去的13年多的时间里面一直在开发视频游戏,担任过设计师,制作人,创意总监,执行制作人等,为游戏机,手机,PC机,还有Facebook制作过游戏。他创立过独立游戏公司,Inspirado Games,后来在2012年,美国艺电收购了他的这个公司。他曾制作过的出名游戏包括了马力欧,变形金刚,美国队长,格斗之王,并且成功的从零创建了新的游戏,例如GardenMind,并获得了加拿大年度手机游戏提名。


Rick Davidson has been making video games for a living for more than 13 years as a Designer, Producer, Creative Director, and Executive Producer, creating games for console, mobile, PC and Facebook. He founded an Indie game studio, Inspirado Games, which was acquired in 2012 by Electronic Arts / PopCap. He has worked on cool IPs such as Mario, Transformers, Captain America and Mortal Kombat and created successful new IPs from scratch (such as "GardenMind" which was nominated for Canadian Game of the Year in the social / mobile category).

As a qualified Career Coach, Rick has helped thousands of people achieve their dream of making games for a living - both as Indie Game Developers and as valuable game industry employees.


GameDev.tv by Ben Tristem
Learn to Make and Sell Games

GameDev tv是由Udemy的畅销作者Ben Tristem所创立的,帮助学院学习如何开发,设计与销售独立游戏。我们的团队支持Ben制作了高质量的教学,这些教学有超过24万的学员.

GameDev tv was created by best-selling Udemy instructor Ben Tristem to help anyone learn how to develop, design, and sell indie games. Our team supports Ben in making and maintaining high quality courses that are engaging and entertaining for more than 240,000 students.




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