
迪士尼动画师Zach Parrish和Brent Homman讲解 角色动画大师课 中文字幕 翻译示范中英文翻译服务

类别 翻译人员翻译范例/王嘉-翻译示范/
名称 迪士尼动画师Zach Parrish和Brent Homman讲解 角色动画大师课 中文字幕 翻译示范
编号 ZM-433



迪士尼动画师 Zach Parrish和Brent Homman从头到尾为我们展示了他们的动画制作流程。


Zach是一位速度超快,令人敬畏的迪斯尼动画师。他有一种惊人的解释能力,可以很清楚地展示和描述他采用的每一步。这门大师课程中,他将讲解从设置Maya文件,到规划、分解和改进的全过程。他为我们展示了所有的制作技巧和宝贵的工作流程经验。与此同时,他还在影片中穿插一些信息丰富、有趣的轶事,比如与格伦和导演们在《长发公主》(Tangled)中的合作,协助改进《天降美食》(Cloudy with A Chance Of Meatballs),处理《绿巨人》(Hulk)的重量感。


Zach Parrish and Brent Homman both demo their workflows - taking you through the process of animating a shot, from start to finish.
Zach, Head of Animation on Big Hero 6, and Brent, Animation Supervisor for Big Hero 6, also pull from their experience working on: Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph, and Frozen. This Masterclass includes 17 hours and is recorded in HD. It will revamp your workflow by showcasing what to do, and more importantly, what not to do, while animating shows.

Zach is known for being a super fast, awesome Disney animator. He has an amazing ability to demonstrate and verbalize every step he takes, very clearly. This Masterclass follows him, all the way (10 hours of HD desktop/Maya footage), from setting up his Maya file, to blocking, breaking down and polish.

*Rig is not included.
He shows ALL his tricks and golden workflow nuggets. All the while, he sprinkles in informative, fun, anecdotes about working on Tangled with Glen and the directors, pushing cartoony animation on Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs, and animating weight on Hulk.
Brent demos his workflow on how to animate a subtle, close-up. He takes on the very difficult task of keeping the appeal and fleshyness, when animating a female character, pulling from his experience on Tangled and Frozen. Similar to Zach's demo, he explains how he mastered an extremely difficult performance.


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