
Macworld杂志高级特约编辑/20世纪福克斯特约摄影师 本龙 讲解 实习摄影师教学 中文字幕 翻译示范中英文翻译服务

类别 视频教学翻译示范/其他教学翻译示范/
名称 Macworld杂志高级特约编辑/20世纪福克斯特约摄影师 本龙 讲解 实习摄影师教学 中文字幕 翻译示范
编号 ZMT-352





In The Practicing Photographer, photographer and teacher Ben Long shares a weekly serving of photographic instruction and inspiration. Each installment focuses on a photographic shooting scenario, a piece of gear, or a software technique. Each one concludes with a call to action designed to inspire you to pick up your camera (or your mouse or smartphone) to try the technique for yourself.

Note: Because this is an ongoing series, viewers will not receive a certificate of completion.

Ben Long是一位获奖摄影师,也是Macworld杂志的高级编辑。

本是旧金山的摄影师、作家和教师。他是二十多本关于数码摄影和数码视频书籍的作者,也是Macworld杂志的高级特约编辑和CreativePro.com的高级编辑。他的摄影客户包括20世纪福克斯(20th Century Fox)、Blue Note唱片公司(Blue Note Records)、环球商业网络(Global Business Network)、旧金山爵士音乐节(San Francisco Jazz Festival)、泡菜家庭马戏团(Pickle Family Circus),以及获得格莱美提名的爵士音乐家唐•拜伦(Don Byron)和达夫尼斯•普列托(Dafnis Prieto)。他曾在世界各地教授和演讲摄影,包括佛罗伦萨圣雷帕塔国际艺术学院的工作室和苹果公司的成像工程师班。他偶尔涉猎计算机编程,并为《国家地理》、大英博物馆和白宫编写过图像编辑实用程序。

Ben Long is an award-winning photographer and senior editor at Macworld magazine.

Ben is a San Francisco-based photographer, writer, and teacher. The author of over two dozen books on digital photography and digital video, he is also a senior contributing editor to Macworld magazine, and a senior editor at CreativePro.com. His photography clients have included 20th Century Fox, Blue Note Records, Global Business Network, the San Francisco Jazz Festival, the Pickle Family Circus, and Grammy-nominated jazz musicians Don Byron and Dafnis Prieto. He has taught and lectured on photography around the world, including workshops at the Santa Reparata International School of Art in Florence and a class for imaging engineers at Apple, Inc. He occasionally dabbles in computer programming, and has written image editing utilities that are used by National Geographic, the British Museum, and the White House.



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