
Digital Tutors | mental ray Workflows in Maya: Subsurface Scattering(MAYA中Memtal Ray教学:子表面散射 中文字幕 翻译示范)中英文翻译服务

类别 视频教学翻译示范/Maya教学翻译示范/
名称 Digital Tutors | mental ray Workflows in Maya: Subsurface Scattering(MAYA中Memtal Ray教学:子表面散射 中文字幕 翻译示范)
编号 ZM-45

通过本教学您将深入了解到MENTAL RAY表面散射制作方法,掌握精确模拟光线的方法与学习快速的对透明表面进行打光与渲染的技术.本教学超过3小时.

Lesson Outline:
1. Connecting lightmap nodes into SSS shaders 9:09
2. Exploring SSS diffuse lighting attributes 3:17
3. Understanding properties of forward light scattering 10:46
4. Using back light scattering and proper light placement 11:04
5. Fine-tuning front scatter, back scatter and diffuse shading results 9:58
6. Adjusting SSS algorithm control 6:45
7. Modifying Diffuse Gamma Curve and Scatter Bias 5:45
8. Connecting bump maps to various SSS shaders 4:51
9. Setting up lights and shaders for glacier lighting scenario 12:28
10. Making initial adjustments to glacier SSS shader 5:57
11. Using textures to control scatter weight 5:35
12. Using normal maps together with SSS shaders 9:30
13. Using the fast skin shader to mimic realistic skin 9:58
14. Utilizing textures to add greater realism to the skin shader 9:25
15. Using components of different SSS shaders together 7:13
16. Tuning back scatter, forward scatter and diffuse attributes 7:42
17. Adding soft reflectivity to SSS shaders 3:19
18. Adding final gather and refining render quality 7:25
19. Unique characteristics of the Physical SSS shader 8:20
20. Controlling photon interactions with Physical SSS shader 7:41
21. Achieving accurate scattering results with Physical SSS 6:45
22. Adding final adjustments to Physical SSS shader 6:47
23. Bonus lesson: Fixing SSS bump glitch in Maya 2008 7:10
24. Bonus lesson: Repairing fast skin shader glitch in Maya 2008 6:47

Total Run Time: 3:10:27

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Our Partners We're privileged to have strong partnerships and great relationships with leading software developers including Autodesk, Pixologic, Houdini, Luxology, Next Limit, Adobe, Pixar, eyeon, Lighmap, MAXON, V-Ray and Microsoft in the development and production of certified training material.


关于(CG-354)Digital Tutors | mental ray Workflows in Maya: Subsurface Scattering(MAYA中Memtal Ray教学:子表面散射) 的介绍请访问http://www.gbstuff.com/cg/productshopxp.asp?id=564


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