
听译培训教材 访谈类听译培训教材

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类别 听译培训课程//
名称 听译培训教材 访谈类听译培训教材
编号 TYJC-39


完整访谈 / 访谈视频按句分段视频
视频对应的 短语/常用搭配/语法知识/其他知识点讲解
政治 / 经济 / 科技 / 娱乐 / 健康 / 军事 / .....
1 希望掌握独立听懂各类电影/新闻/教学视频能力的人士
2 希望提升口语表达能力的人士
3 希望轻松扩大词汇量的人士


1 您将持续不断通过的各种不同题材,不同口音演讲者的访谈/演讲类视频,扩展听力的适应范围与知识面

2 能够轻松听懂各种语速,口音,各种题材的英文视频

3 通过积累掌握的短语,常用搭配,与常用语法知识,轻松看懂各行业的技术类书籍与文章。

4 与英语母语人士轻松交流沟通


文本1:Because architecture is the art of making shelter for communities, not just for individuals -- communities and society at large.

[连读] Because~architecture~is the~art~of making shelter for communities, no(t) jus(t) for~individuals -- communities an(d) society~a(t) large.

文本2:It's a bit like Google Earth, except it's up-to-date imagery, and you can see back through time. You can compare any two days

[连读] It's~a bi(t) like Google~Earth, except~it's~up-to-date~imagery, and~you can see bac(k) through time. You can compare~any two days

文本3:all that money we spent on lattes and bottled water.To shame and blame is so deliciously tempting. Many of us don't even wait for others to do it we're so busy doing it to ourselves.

[连读] all tha(t) money we spent~on lattes an(d) bottled water.To shame an(d) blame~is so deliciously tempting. Many~of~us don't~even wai(t) for~others to do~it we're so busy doing i(t) to~ourselves.

文本4:Don't be embarrassed, it's just metadata.I knew when you turned on your TV and how long you watched it for. Fun fact about the Hill household: they don't watch a lot of television, but when they do, it's usually in binge mode.

[连读] Don'(t) be~embarrassed, it's jus(t) metadata.I knew when~you turned~on~your TV an(d) how long~you watched~i(t) for. Fun fact~abou(t) the Hill household: they don't watch~a lot~of television, but when they do, it's~usually~in binge mode.

文本5:Reading the posts from 1917, you learn that Russia was the first country in the world to abolish the death penalty, or one of the first ones to grant women voting rights.

[连读] Reading the posts from 1917, you learn that Russia was the first country~in the worl(d) to~abolish the death penalty, or~one~of the first~ones to grant women voting rights.

文本6:When I was nearly done with my PhD, I got bitten by that entrepreneurial bug. I was in Silicon Valley, and so writing a thesis in the basement didn't seem as interesting as starting my own company.

[连读] When~I was nearly done with my PhD, I go(t) bitten by that~entrepreneurial bug. I was~in Silicon Valley, an(d) so writing a thesis~in the basemen(t) didn'(t) seem~as~interesting as starting my~own company.

文本7:With time I clearly lost my sight, thinkin' I was wrong to ever leave your side. But time's the harshest judge, makes us think we were in love.

[连读] With time~I clearly los(t) my sight, thinkin' I was wron(g) to~ever leave your side. Bu(t) time's the harshes(t) judge, makes~us think we were~in love.

文本8:Now, if I go too realistic on it, it just grosses everybody out.If I go too far on the other side and do very abstract, nobody has any idea what they're looking at.

[连读] Now, if~I go too realistic~on~it, i(t) jus(t) grosses~everybody~out.If~I go too far~on the~other side an(d) do very~abstract, nobody has~any~idea wha(t) they're looking at.

文本9:After that, I would then go to an expert physician, who would then analyze those images for me.And using those two pieces of information, I can train a standard deep neural network or a deep learning network to provide patient's diagnosis.

[连读] After that, I woul(d) then go to~an~exper(t) physician, who woul(d) then~analyze those~images for me.And~using those two pieces~of~information, I can train~a standar(d) dee(p) neural network or~a dee(p) learning networ(k) to provide patient's diagnosis.

文本10:For George W. Bush, we can just search on Google, and from that, we are able to build an average model, an iterative, refined model to recover the expression in fine details, like creases and wrinkles.

[连读] For George W. Bush, we can jus(t) search~on Google, an(d) from that, we~are~able to build~an~average model, an~iterative, refine(d) model to recover the~expression~in fine details, like creases and wrinkles.

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