
美术绘画类 英文听说译 培训课程

零售价: ¥1500元/10节课
类别 听译培训课程/听译培训课程/
名称 美术绘画类 英文听说译 培训课程
编号 ZT-4
零售价 : 1500元
美术类 英文听说译 培训课程

美术绘画类 英文听说译专项培训课程-----从成人的角度出发,带领从零基础到各类不同英语级别的美术类从业人士,跟着教师一起对各类美术英文教学视频进行翻译实战训练,在这个过程中
1 掌握各类的词汇的听读知识,轻松分析句子结构,掌握短语,搭配等知识
2 对学员的发音,句子的朗读进行矫正,让学员能够独立开口表达,与国外人士独立沟通
3 在翻译实战中积累各类句型与短语,常用语的翻译经验,最终能够独立听懂原版英文视频,甚至可以独立翻译原版英文视频。



1 希望能够自行查看绘画类原版英文视频与文档资料,了解国外资讯,跨入国际艺术殿堂的各界人士

2 希望能够掌握独立英文听说能力的用户,包括出国工作,在跨国公司工作,需要与国外同事无障碍沟通的美术类从业人士

3 初/高中以上英语基础(拥有初/高中英语学习经历)



1 轻松阅读绘画类英文软件帮助文档

2 自行轻松查看绘画类英文原版视频

3 与国外人士独立沟通


1 在教师指导下,掌握日常类英文的听说与翻译能力,能够独立听懂与翻译普通的少儿动画片
2 掌握较为全面的语法知识,能够独立分析句子语法结构,
3 积累日常基础词汇,熟悉常见表达方式
4 掌握正确的发音方式,掌握连读爆破知识,流利朗读一般英文文档,能够独立用地道的英文表达方式进行基本表达。
1 在教师指导下,针对绘画专业类英文视频进行分解训练
2 掌握较为深入的语法知识与翻译知识,能够独立翻译较为复杂的英文句,
3 积累专业词汇,熟悉专业类课程的表达方式,能够独立听懂专业类的视频
4 流利朗读复杂的专业类英文文档,能够独立用地道的英文表达方式进行学术沟通。
语法 包括 名词 / 冠词 / 代词 / 形容词 / 副词 / 动词 / 非谓语动词 / 动词不定式 / 分词 / 独立主格 / 动词时态 / 动词语态 / 句子种类 / 倒装句 / 主谓一致 / 虚拟语气 / 名词性从句 / 定语从句 / 状语从句 / 连词 / 介 词/ 数词 的用法
词语的翻译 / 句子的翻译 / 篇章的翻译 /语法与翻译 / 修辞与翻译 / 英汉对比与翻译 / 汉译英技巧
本公司专业资深翻译人员与琪派外语培训科技合作开发的 专用听译培训系统


1 学员无需按固定时间上课,可根据自己加班,出差,做项目等安排,自行安排学习时间,并联系教师辅导。

2 本培训是包学会为止,保证学员的学习结果,避免了学员在学习中碰到各种延误的情况而影响学习。

3 专业翻译人员指导,丰富的实际翻译学习与实际的翻译经验,帮助学员快速上手。

辅导教师:陈杰 专业八级 多年翻译经验 毕业于中山大学外国语学院 听译作品,未经许可,不得转载

Hi, everybody, welcome to the first video tutorial service tutorial,April 2005. my name is Keith , I am your host for this evening or this morning depends on when you download the file. Anyways the first topic we are gonna cover in our tutorial services is posing. We are gonna cover posing for a while. There is a reason why I'm gonna cover posing for a while, because it's really important. In fact I'm of the mind that posing is probably the most important thing you can do in animation, everything else is gravy. I’ve got somebody to back me up on that Ham luske is one of the nine old men. Who is past on now, but he was one of the nine old men at Disney. And he has a quote here for animation. He said your animation is only as good as your poses. You can have good timing and good overlapping action, good follow through, but your poses are not strongly into the point meaning telling story, you don't have good animation. I believe that's very true, i see a lot of emphasis on polish in the cg animation these days. I see a lot of emphasis on making sure that lots little things are ok, either overlaps and stuff, but the things it's lacking is a sense of good posing. Understanding what communicates a character, in every image of pose could be an illustration. It has to be an illustration. It has to read instantly, it has to be something that you get right away, and the thing about posing is that it's the gateway to character, and because it’s the gateway to character, that is the gateway to telling your story. They say that stories is king, story is not necessarily king. It’s more like a prince, crown prince perhaps, but the only reason that story means anything to us is because we care about our characters. If we don't care about our characters we don't really care about what happens to them, therefore the story is meaningless. Let’s take a look at the letters here, there is two things allow you to understand the character and they are found in the pose. Those two elements are appeal and emotion. Come from two sides of the same coin: the first part of the pose has to be appealing, appealing doesn’t necessarily means it's fuzzy bunnies with big brown eyes and looks cubical all, appeal just means something that people can respond to. They are naturally drawn to, they can look at character immediately identify who they are and have the structure within themselves to understand what the characters thinking. Good character design is very important for this. That’s why some of the best characters and simplest ones because her easy to read immediately and figure out: hi, I know that person, or i can at least recognize that person, and i can tell the difference between when they are sad, when they are happy. That’s why stuff like Wallace and Gromit is great. Gromit, the dog has absolutely no mouth whatsoever to work with. It because he so easily understandable from his appeal we can understand exactly what he is talking about while he is not even talking. And that appeal is a gateway to understanding their emotion and that emotion shows who they are as a character. So emotion has to be able to be something that you can draw out of a characters and so we can understand who they are. So appeal and emotion together are our elements of the pose and the character is in the pose. Buzz holds themselves differently than woody, shere khan holds themselves differently than bagheera, moakley holds himself differently than blue and it's just a single image can communicate this entire thing, and it's only appeal in communicating emotion, and there is your character.......

辅导教师:吴枫 专业八级 多年翻译经验 毕业于五邑大学外国语学院 听译作品,未经许可,不得转载
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