
CGCircuit | Applied Houdini Dynamics Volumes VI(应用Houdini教学系列之动力学第五卷)中英文翻译服务

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名称 CGCircuit | Applied Houdini Dynamics Volumes VI(应用Houdini教学系列之动力学第五卷)
编号 CG-2072

Applied Houdini是Steven Knipping所创作的一个产品级制作教学系列。Steven Knipping当前是卢卡斯影业工业光魔的资深刚体破坏/特效技术总监,参与制作的电影包括了《星际大战7部曲:原力觉醒》《复仇者联盟2》《明日世界》。本教学教授了Steven Knipping所熟悉的成熟的制作流程,并且深入的研究了技术背后的原理。每个视频都包含了实用的信息与笔注,而不只是没来由的讲解。


Applied Houdini is a production quality oriented series created by Steven Knipping, currently a Senior Rigid Body Destruction / FX Technical Director at Lucasfilm's Industrial Light & Magic (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Tomorrowland). Benefit from production proven workflows while also getting an in depth explanation of why things works they way they do. Best of all - each video is crammed with actual information and footnotes instead of gratuitous talking and dead space!

In Dynamics VI, we will light, shade, render, and composite our explosion from the previous lesson (or use your own). The Pyro shader's fire intensity and color parameters are explored in depth, in addition to advanced production tested tricks to make it look even better. We will then light and render our finished work broken into separate elements so that we can further push our result via compositing. Included in this lesson is a chapter on how to composite our rendered elements in Nuke, as well as a chapter on how to achieve identical results via compositing within Houdini!

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