
Digital Tutors | Introduction to Maya Animation: Walk Cycle(MAYA动画入门:循环行走 中文字幕 翻译示范)中英文翻译服务

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名称 Digital Tutors | Introduction to Maya Animation: Walk Cycle(MAYA动画入门:循环行走 中文字幕 翻译示范)
编号 ZM-122

本教学超过2.5个小时,目的是为了教授大家节省时间的动画制作技巧与技术。教学的主题包括了:直观的循环行走图形,身体动力学叠加,添加跟随与重量效果,学习MEL代码的使用,将男性的循环行走动画转换为女性的循环行走动画,让循环行走变成向前行走,channel box中的KEY设置,使用GRAPHD EDITOR,插入KEY的工具应用,分解TANGENT从而得到重量感,编辑TANGENTS来得到无缝衔接的循环运动等。


1. 介绍与项目预览
2. 设置工作空间与MEL代码入门。
3. 应用MEL代码,并且为它设置快捷键。
4. 分析循环行走,并且设置循环行走的第一个姿势
5. 设置DOWN姿势,并且分解切线。
6. 制作PASSING姿势,并且对脚进行编辑。
7. 对臀部进行编辑,得到最高位置的姿势。
8. 调整脚后跟的轴点,得到有肌肉的感觉。
9. 在X轴方向移动脚,从而让身体平衡。
10. 在脚上添加从侧面到侧面的运动,模仿脚踝的动作。
11. 对上身设置动画,添加运动跟随的效果。
12. 对臀部重心进行切换,从而让身体能够在脚上平衡。
13. 制作臀部的摆动的动画,给到身体中部一些重量感。
14. 旋转胸部控制器,从而得到运动的效果。
15. 通过添加肩膀的转动动作,从而帮助身体来移动胳膊。
16. 对上臂进行调整,并设置动画
17. 对小臂进行动画设置,添加运动跟随的效果。
18. 为手腕设置动画,来为胳膊添加重量感。
19. 通过对肩胛骨的调整来为胳膊得到一些旋转的效果。
20. 在X轴方向旋转肩膀从而得到向前运动的效果。
21. 进行最终调节,解决身体各部分穿透的问题。
22. 附加教学:添加向前的位置变换让角色向前运动
23. 附加教学:将男性的循环行走动画转换为一个女性的循环行走动画。

"Introduction to Maya Animation: Walk Cycle" provides over 2.5 hours of lessons designed to increase your productivity with time-saving animation tips and techniques. Highlights from popular topics include: an intuitive walk cycle diagram, layering body mechanics, adding follow through and weight, MEL scripting for animators, transforming male walk cycles into female walk cycles, translating walk cycle forward, keying in channel box, working in graph editor, insert key tool, breaking tangents to create the illusion of weight, editing tangents for seamless cycling, cycling with pre and post-infinity, and several additional lessons developed to teach you walk cycle animation in Maya.

Lesson Outline:

1. Introduction and project overview 0:52
2. Setting up the workspace, Introduction to MEL 12:45
3. Using the MEL script and loading it as a shortcut key 5:33
4. Analyzing the walk cycle, and setting our first pose 12:33
5. Setting the Down pose and breaking tangents 8:20
6. Building the Passing pose and modifying the feet 8:49
7. Modifying the hips to create the Peak pose 12:48
8. Adjusting the heal pivot to create a sense of muscles 5:34
9. Moving the feet in X to balance the body 4:45
10. Adding side-to-side movement to the feet to simulate the ankle 4:00
11. Animating the upper body and adding follow through 9:14
12. Shifting the hips to balance the body over the foot 2:56
13. Animating the hip sway to give the mid-body some weight 6:15
14. Rotating the chest control to add a sense of locomotion 4:16
15. Shoulder twisting will be used to help the body move the arms 5:34
16. Adjusting and animating the upper arms 4:57
17. Animating the lower arms and adding follow through 8:21
18. Animating the wrists to add weight to the arms 5:27
19. Adjusting the scapula to get some rotation in the shoulder 4:16
20. Rotating the shoulders in X to create forward movement 8:17
21. Adding final tweaks to fix any interpenetration 3:38
22. Bonus Lesson: Adding forward translation to the character so it moves forward 3:15
23. Bonus Lesson: Converting the male walk cycle into a female walk cycle 13:14

Digital Tutors介绍
培养那些制作电影与游戏的人--从2000年开始,Digital Tutors就成为一支拥有专业设计师,专业人士,客户人员,技术支持人员的专业团队,为全世界制作电影与游戏的人士提供培训服务。

不论学员的技术熟练程度与经验如何,都是需要有新的培训资源来帮助自己解决各种复杂的问题,所以不论你是刚从学校毕业,还是希望提升你的能力,或者是获得晋升,你都可以在Digital Tutors找到你需要的学习资源。

Digital Tutors与全球顶级软件开发商有紧密的合作关系,并被授权出版它们软件的教学。这些公司包括了Autodesk(3DS MAX与MAYA的开发商),Pixologic(Zbrush的开发商),Side effects(Houdini开发商),Luxology(Modo开发商),Next limit(Realflow开发商),Adobe(Adobe全系列软件开发商),Pixar(电脑动画领域的领头羊),eyeon(Fusion的开发商),MAXON(Bodypaint 3d与Cinema 4D的开发商),Microsoft(微软).

Teaching the people who make movies and games.
Since 2000, we've been a dedicated team of artists, professionals, representatives and problem-solvers who are truly passionate about teaching the people around the globe who make movies and games.

But enough about us, let's talk about you. No matter your skill level or experience, you need an educational resource that helps you conquer complicated topics so you can focus on your future. So whether it's graduating from school, advancing your skill set or getting a promotion, you can access the world's largest online CG training library and find the solution you need in seconds.

Our Partners We're privileged to have strong partnerships and great relationships with leading software developers including Autodesk, Pixologic, Houdini, Luxology, Next Limit, Adobe, Pixar, eyeon, Lighmap, MAXON, V-Ray and Microsoft in the development and production of certified training material.










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