
Gnomon绘画教学中文字幕 翻译示范全套 中文字幕中英文翻译服务

类别 视频教学翻译示范/绘画教学教学翻译示范/
名称 Gnomon绘画教学中文字幕 翻译示范全套 中文字幕
编号 ZM-A1
(电影:<<星战前传之西斯的复仇>>,商业客户包括:卢卡斯影业,迪士尼,Blur Studio,EA游戏公司,GT Interactive,Origin Systems,微软,Film Roman,联合影视,华纳兄弟,Sierra等。)
Harald Belker (电影:<<蝙蝠侠与罗宾>>,<<末日审判>>,<>,<<华氏451度>>,<<戴帽子的猫>)
Scott Robertson (电影:<<少数派报告>>,商业客户包括:客户包括了BMW(宝马)美国分部,Raleigh Bicycles, Mattel Toys, Patagonia, Minority Report feature film(电影:少数派报告), Nike(耐克), Rock Shox, Universal Studios(环球影城:美国著名电影制片商), Angel Studios and Fiat(菲亚特))
Neville Page (电影:<<人猿星球>>,<<少数派报告>>,<>,<<狮 子、女巫和魔衣橱>>,<<超人归来>>,<<柯洛弗档案>>,<<阿凡 达>>,<<绿巨人>>,<<星际迷航 2008>>,<<守夜人>)
David Finch (漫画书:<>,<>,<>,<>)
Marc Gabbana (电影:<<星球大战之幽灵的威胁>>和<<克隆人的进攻>>,骇客帝国2:<<重装上阵>>,<<极地特快>>,<<世界大战>>,<<天才小子吉米>>,<<8英里>>,<<地狱男爵>>)
Marshall Vandruff (插画师,客户包括:MAD杂志,华纳兄弟,汉那-巴伯拉公司,黑马漫画公司,尼克罗迪恩公司,Insomniac Games游戏公司,迪斯尼乐园,LeapFrog公司,Rockstar公司,暴雪娱乐公司,AutoDesk公司,The Gnomon Workshop,Imagine FX)


1 ZM-8)Gnomon | The Techniques of Feng Zhu Volume 3: The Fundamentals of Shot Design for Environments (环境绘画教学) 2小时  
2 (ZM-7)Gnomon | The Techniques of Scott Robertson How to Render Matte Surfaces Volume 1:Shading Planar Surfaces(平面阴影手绘教学幕) 2小时  
3 (ZM-30)Gnomon | The Techniques of Scott Robertson How to Render Matte Surfaces Volume 2:Shading Round Geometric Surfaces(圆角物体阴影手绘教学) 2小时  
4 (ZM-44)Gnomon | The Techniques of Scott Robertson How to Render Matte Surfaces Volume 3:Shading Complex Curved Surfaces(综合曲面) 2小时  
5 (ZM-11)Gnomon | The Techniques of Scott Robertson Industrial Design Rendering - Bicycle(自行车绘画渲染教学) 2小时  
6 (ZM-15)Gnomon | The Techniques of Scott Robertson Volume 1:basic Perspective Form Drawing(透视绘画基础) 2小时  
7 (ZM-29)Gnomon | The Techniques of Scott Robertson Volume 2:How to Draw Cars(汽车绘画教学) 2小时  
8 (ZM-268)Gnomon | The Techniques of Scott Robertson Volume 4:How to Draw Hovercraft and Spacecraft(太空船绘画教学) 2小时  
9 (ZM-33)Gnomon | The Techniques of Harald Belker Volume 1:Introduction to Car Design and Drawing(汽车草绘教学) 2小时  
10 (ZM-34)Gnomon | The Techniques of Harald Belker Volume 2:Digital Automotive Rendering(数码汽车渲染教学) 2小时  
11 (ZM-19)Gnomon | The Techniques of Harald Belker Volume 3:Integrating a Vehicle into an Environment(汽车与环境合成绘画教学) 2小时  
12 (ZM-17)Gnomon | The Techniques of Harald Belker Volume 4:Car Design and Presentation(汽车绘画与呈现艺术) 2小时  
13 (ZM-20)Gnomon | The Techniques of Harald Belker Volume 5:Movie Prop Design and Presentation(影视海报设计与展示教学) 2小时  
14 (ZM-57)Gnomon | The Techniques of Neville Page Volume 1:Character Design - Fantasy Wildebeest(科幻生物创作教学 ) 3小时  
15 (ZM-67)Gnomon | Introduction to Animal Anatomy with Marshall Vandruff(绘画-动物解剖学入门) 1小时20分钟  
16 (ZM-68)Gnomon | Creative Character Design Techniques with Neville Page Fostering Happy Accidents(创意角色设计之创造惊喜事件) 2小时40分钟  
17 (ZM-58)Gnomon | The Techniques of Neville Page Volume 2:Digital Painting - Fantasy Wildebeest(野生动物绘画教学2 ) 3小时  
18 (ZM-81)Gnomon | Visual Development with Marc Gabbana Volume One Traditional Techniques - Conceptualizing the TribalBot(跟Marc学绘画创意构思:传统绘画技巧) 2小时52分钟  
19 (ZM-95)Gnomon | The Techniques of Scott Robertson Volume 3:How to Draw Aircraft(飞行器绘画教学) 2小时  
20 (ZM-104)Gnomon | Dynamic Figure Drawing: The Body with David Finch(动感人物绘画--身体) 3小时  
21 (ZM-109)Gnomon | Dynamic Figure Drawing: Hands and Feet with David Finch(动感人物绘画--手与脚) 1小时41分  
22 (ZM-110)Gnomon | Dynamic Figure Drawing: The Head with David Finch(动感人物绘画--头部) 2小时16分钟  
23 (ZM-142)Gnomon | Creature Concepts The Fly Re-Imagined with Eric Ryan(跟Eric学生物概念设计:重新制作苍蝇人) 2小时55分钟  
24 (ZM-149)Gnomon | Fundamentals of Perspective 3 Three-Point Principles and Concepts with Gary Meyer(透视绘画教学3:三点透视原理) 2小时12分钟  
25 (ZM-264)Gnomon | Originality in Design Creating a Unique Form Language with Nick Pugh(设计的原创性:跟Nick Pugh学习创造一种独特的造型语言 中文字幕) 2小时  
26 (ZM-6)Gnomon | Color Theory : Mechanics of Color(色彩理论:色彩的构成) 2小时  
总计26部教学 总计65小时  
Feng Zhu介绍

Feng在艺术中心设计学院学习的工业设计。此后他参与了多个项目的制作,包括视频游戏,电视广告,电影设计,游乐园游乐设施的设计。客户包括了卢卡斯影业,迪士尼,Blur Studio,EA游戏公司,GT Interactive,Origin Systems,微软,Film Roman,联合影视,华纳兄弟,Sierra等。在卢卡斯影业中,Zhu的工作重点是新环境的制作,刚体表面的设计,包括了车辆,机器人,还有《星战前传之西斯的复仇》中道具的制作。

Feng studied industrial design at the Art Center College of Design. He has since then worked on a diverse array of projects, including video games, TV commericals, film design and amusement park rides. Clients include Lucasfilm, Disney, Blur Studio, Electronic Arts, GT Interactive, Origin Systems, Microsoft, Film Roman, Universal, Warner Brothers and Sierra. For Lucasfilm, Zhu focused on new environments, and hard-surface designs including vehicles, droids and props for Star Wars: Episode III.


Scott Robertson介绍

Scott毕业于艺术设计中心学院,并于1990年4月获得交通运输工具设计学士学位,在毕业的当天,他与好朋友Neville Page(阿凡达的创作者)在旧金山开了一家产品设计咨询公司。他们的客户包括了Kestrel, Giro Sport Design, 日产汽车, 沃尔沃汽车, 还有雅马哈.1995年Scott搬到了瑞士韦威,在艺术中心欧洲分部教授绘画与工业设计直到1996年。从欧洲回来以后,Scott的客户包括了BMW(宝马)美国分部,Raleigh Bicycles, Mattel Toys, Patagonia, Minority Report feature film(电影:少数派报告), Nike(耐克), Rock Shox, Universal Studios(环球影城:美国著名电影制片商), Angel Studios and Fiat(菲亚特)等等。现在他继续在艺术设计中心学院教授绘画,最近SCOTT开设了DESIGN STUDIO PRESS,该公司致力于启发性与教育性的艺术书籍与DVD

Scott Robertson Designer Founder, Design Studio Press

Scott attended Art Center College of Design where he graduated with honors with a B.S. degree in Transportation Design in April 1990. The day after graduation, Scott opened a product design consulting firm in San Francisco with friend Neville Page. While there clients included Kestrel, Giro Sport Design, Nissan, Volvo, and Yamaha. In 1995 Scott relocated to Vevey, Switzerland to teach drawing and industrial design at Art Center, Europe until the middle of 1996. Since returning from Europe, Scott’s clients have included BMW subsidiary Design-works/USA, Raleigh Bicycles, Mattel Toys, Patagonia, Minority Report feature film, Nike, Rock Shox, Universal Studios, Angel Studios and Fiat, to name a few. Today he continues to teach drawing at Art Center College of Design. Recently, Scott launched Design Studio Press, a publishing company dedicated to inspiring and educational art books and DVDs.


Harald Belker介绍




Belker非常清楚在娱乐业的车辆设计与汽车设计工业的真实车辆设计是不同的,这是因为在汽车制造业,我们有一些硬性规定要遵守,并且有些限制,需要使用其他生产线上的配件。虽然我对这并没有感到有什么困难,但这就是汽车设计业。在娱乐业或者说是游戏世界,你是没有任何限制的,完全取决于我来使用什么比率与尺寸。这些项目包括了漫画蝙蝠侠,未来感的少数派报告,魔幻片戴帽子的猫。非常不同的目标与非常不同的哲学。”从真实车辆到未来感车辆,Belker享受每个制作所带来的挑战。“现在我完全沉浸在Hot Wheel的世界中,除了终极赛车以外,我还有一些很有趣,奇异与挑战性的车辆,它们很快会上架。”



Harald Belker PhD hon.
Harald Belker is a force of nature in the area of automotive design with a list of design credits that include the Smart, the Batmobile for the Warner Bros. Batman and Robin film, and the futuristic cars of Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report including the sporty red Lexus. Other movie credits include vehicle design for Armageddon, Inspector Gadget, Fahrenheit 451 and Cat in the Hat and concept designs for Spider-Man 1 and 3.

Automotive design
Belker’s initial interest in all things automotive started by hanging out with a childhood friend who unwittingly laid the foundation for his design career. “He was car crazy and I liked it, but for different reasons”, he explains. “I wanted to change things all the time. Drove him nuts, but he was the one that sent me a magazine about the schools where one can do automotive design and therefore he had a hand in my career and sort of helped me to get me into the right direction.” At 42, Belker has been involved in the design field for roughly 15 years. “I started dreaming about car design pretty late. I was about 26 and finished a degree in engineering before I even heard of the Art Center College of Design”, he admits. “But once I saw what they did, I was pretty sure that this would be my future as well.” After graduating from the Art Center College of Design, Belker fell into the dream design job of designing cars for Porsche. “Though my time at Porsche was short”, he explains, “I made some long lasting friends”. From Porsche, Belker then moved to another iconic automotive company at Mercedes Benz in California where he worked on the Mercedes Smart Car as well as the ‘S’ and ‘M’ class models.


Neville Page介绍

Neville毕业于加州艺术中心设计学院,尽管他主修的是产品设计,但他总是致力于向娱乐业发展。因为他所学的专业与个人兴趣,Neville参与了各种项目的制作,包括了生物设计,雕塑,还有概念设计。他的客户包括了环球影城,华纳兄弟,20世纪福克斯,Mattel,BMW(宝马)等。他最近的作品主要集中在生物与角色设计中,另外他对对象与环境设计也有很大的热情.neville page也是the Art Center College of Design与Gnomon特效制作学校的老师.他参与了<<人猿星球>>,<<少数派报告>>,<>,<<狮子、女巫和魔衣橱>>,<<超人归来>>,<<柯洛弗档案>>,<<阿凡达>>,<<绿巨人>>,<<星际迷航 2008>>,<<守夜人>>等电影的制作..

Neville Page was educated at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. Although his major was product design, he has always gravitated towards entertainment. With the combination of his education and personal interests, Neville has found himself involved with quite a variety of projects from creature design and sculpture to conceptual design and engineering. His clients have included Universal Studios, Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, Mattel and BMW to name just a few. He has worked on such feature films as Minority Report, Planet of the Apes, X-Men 2 & 3, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Superman Returns, James Cameron's Avatar, J.J. Abrams' Cloverfield, Zack Snyder's The Watchmen, Louis Leterrier's The Hulk, and J.J. Abrams' Star Trek. Neville has also taught at the Art Center College of design (Pasadena and Switzerland), Otis College, Gnomon and corporate workshops.



David Finch在22岁的时候就开始在Top Cow Productions公司绘制漫画书,他在这里创作了Ascension与Aphrodite IX,这两部都是商业漫画书的最畅销作品,而Aphrodite IX更是行业销量第一的漫画作品。2001年,他进入Marvel Comics工作,在这里他制作的作品包括了《Call of Duty》,《Ultimate X-Men》,《Avengers Disassembled》,还有《The New Avengers》。而他的作品《Moon Knight》更是成为了销售过超过5版的5套漫画书中的一套。接着他又开始制作《smash hit Ultimatum》。2010年,David离开Marvel Comics,进入华纳兄弟旗下的DC Comics,他为即将发布的《Darkest Night》绘制了封面。除了他的漫画工作以外,David还参加了视频游戏,音乐与电影的制作。

David Finch began his comic book career at the age of 22 at Top Cow Productions, part of Image Comics. There he created Ascension and Aphrodite IX, both of which were top sellers in the business, with Aphrodite IX debuting as the number one comic book in the industry. In 2001 he made the move to Marvel comics where his catalog of work included Call of Duty, Ultimate X-Men, Avengers Disassembled and The New Avengers. His run on Moon Knight skyrocketed this title into the main Marvel universe and landed him a top-five book which sold more than five times the title's previous release. David then turned his attention to working with Lost, Heroes and Smallville executive producer, Jeph Loeb, on Marvel’s smash hit Ultimatum. 2010 saw another major change in David’s career as his made the transition from Marvel Comics to DC Comics and the Warner Brothers banner. His artwork will be featured on the covers for the upcoming follow up to Darkest Night, entitled Brightest Day. In addition to his comic career, David has also worked in video games, music and film.


Marc Gabbana介绍


Marc has been working in the film, advertising, game and publishing industries for the past 20 years. He attended Lawrence Institute of Technology, where he studied architecture before graduating from the Center for Creative Studies in Detroit in 1990. Having worked with Lucas, Spielberg, the Wachowskis and Zemeckis, Marc's film credits include Star Wars: The Phantom Menace & Attack of the Clones, Matrix Reloaded & Revolutions, Polar Express, War of the Worlds, Jimmy Neutron-Boy Genius, 8 Mile, Hellboy and IMAX's first all CG 3D movie Cyberworld where he worked as Production Designer. Recent movies include Beowulf, Monster House and Disney's A Christmas Carol where he was Art Director. Recent game titles include BioShock 2 and Iron Man 2. Marc continues to create images both traditionally and digitally with an emphasis on architectural, vehicle, creature, character and environmental design; works that reflect his own unique vision. His creative passion is to bring to life the myriad of creatures and monsters crawling around in his head

Marshall Vandruff介绍

Marshall在过去的30年中曾经担任过作家,插画师,画外音艺术家,还有顾问。他的客户包括了MAD杂志,华纳兄弟,汉那-巴伯拉公司,黑马漫画公司,尼克罗迪恩公司,Insomniac Games游戏公司,迪斯尼乐园,LeapFrog公司,Rockstar公司,暴雪娱乐公司,AutoDesk公司,The Gnomon Workshop,Imagine FX,还有超过40个广告公司。他在大学与公司主持过超过200场的课程演讲。

Marshall Vandruff has worked as a writer, illustrator, voice-over artist and consultant for nearly thirty years. His clients include MAD Magazine, Warner Brothers, Hanna-Barbera, Dark Horse Comics, Nickelodeon, Insomniac Games, Disneyland, LeapFrog, Rockstar, Blizzard Entertainment, AutoDesk, The Gnomon Workshop, Imagine FX, and over forty advertising agencies. He has taught over 200 Drawing, Anatomy, and Storytelling courses at colleges, universities, and corporations. 

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