
CMIVFX | NAIAD Simulating Liquids Volume 1(阿凡达流体模拟软件 NAIAD 流体模拟教学第一卷 中文字幕 翻译示范)中英文翻译服务

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名称 CMIVFX | NAIAD Simulating Liquids Volume 1(阿凡达流体模拟软件 NAIAD 流体模拟教学第一卷 中文字幕 翻译示范)
编号 ZM-105



1 整体结构

2 起步

3 液体理论入门
Diego将使用幻灯片与注释来解释Computational Fluid Dynamics与Smooth Particles Hydrodynamics solvers之间的区别。Lagrangian与Eulerian Viewpoints之间的区别。还有F.L.I.P.方法与Naiad body的结构:包括造型,参数,布局和emp格式。

4 喷泉建造 I
在这一节,你将学习到Naiad buddy的输出流程,学习将多个assets综合到一个里面。

5 喷泉建造 II
Diego将为大家介绍液体制作流程中的一些有趣的东西,例如全局设置,模拟图形的详细分析,particle kill plane,droplet channel,emission ID's, 动力学操作器:例如Acceleration, Friction, Drag, Swirl。

6 喷泉建造 III

7 模拟运算时间优化

8 喷泉飞溅层的制作
在本节你将为飞溅水花层制作一个次要的元素。我们将在这里解析particle与particle-liquid NOP之间的区别,并且详细解释Splash-Emit NOP中Emission Criteria的设置。

9 Naiad海洋工具
本节将详细讲解NOT或者说是Naiad海洋工具,还将学习到如何将MESH从Naiad Buddy导回到MAYA,从而对NOT的粒子造型进行调整。

10 多章节项目制作教学:Hero Boat wake







他最近获奖是在2009年美国视觉特效工会获得的最佳影视特效奖,获奖作品就是阿凡达中的妮特丽喝水的镜头(Jack刚获得允许由妮特丽教授他纳美族的的各种生存技巧。这是一天早上妮特丽从一片植物的叶子中倒水喝镜头)。Diego也是少数几个从Naiad发布第一个测试版以来一直帮助Exotic Matter发展Naiad的少数几个人。

Diego从意大利开始他的职业生涯,至今已经去过好几大洲,他参与完成的电影包括了:X战警:第一战,阿凡达,天龙特攻队,哈利波特等等。并且由此他掌握了丰富的技术知识与解决问题的技巧。在Siggraph 2010上,Deigo对阿凡达中的流体模拟进行了演讲,这也是该盛会上的亮点之一。

cmiVFX releases the "first ever" Naiad training video, continuing the long streak of "first ever" inventions, processes and techniques the company is well known for. This is the first volume of a series and focuses on entry level to middle level concepts and theory behind this powerful, yet nearly undiscovered software package. This training will teach the viewer the basic principles behind a F.L.I.P. Solver and level sets theory utilizing practical examples.

Chapter Breakdown

Despite being a relatively new product, Naiad has already been used to produce the 3D fluid animations in several motion-pictures.

Naiad is also being used frequently in TV series and commercials.

Anatomy of a body
Naiad fundamentals is the discussion that will kick off this chapter. Learning more about the system as a whole will produce better results then settling on designing for just a single liquid simulation. Diego will take you through the physics of water bodies.

Getting started
In this chapter you will learn about the UI and workspace in Nstudio, setup a project folder structure with stat files, and explore a liquid box example scene in the node graph.

Introduction to fluid theory
Diego will use slides and notes to explain differences between Computational Fluid Dynamics and Smooth Particles Hydrodynamics solvers.
Lagrangian and Eulerian Viewpoints ( SPH vs. GRID ); F.L.I.P. method and anatomy of a Naiad body: Shapes and Channels, Properties, Tile layout and the "emp" file format (empinfo cmd line tool).

Building a fountain graph I
In this chapter you will learn the Naiad buddy export process, combining multiple assets in one(triangle orientation).

Building a fountain graph II
Diego will then move on to the sequel chapter, in which you will learn several interests in the fluid pipeline setup such as: Global settings (CFL condition and Cell size), detailed analysis of the simulation graph, particle kill plane, droplet channel, emission ID's, dynamics operators: Acceleration, Friction, Drag, Swirl.

Building a fountain graph III
This portion of the video covers the evaluation of a Naiad graph from UI, batch mode or cmd line (detailed description of cmd flags), play blasting from UI and play blasting from cmd line for parallel play blast of scenes on multiple computers.

Optimizing simulation time
Learn tips and tricks to optimize simulation for fast turnarounds, Particle and surface supersampling, Timesteps and CFL (Adaptive Timestep Sensitivity). Continuing with the stat files, learn how to debug and benchmark the simulation speed for optimum performance.

Fountain splash pass
In this chapter you will create a secondary element for the splash pass. Decipher the difference between particle and particle-liquid NOP. And watch a detailed description of the Emission Criteria settings in the Splash-Emit NOP.

Naiad Ocean Toolkit
The "NOT" or "Naiad Ocean Toolkit" will be discussed at length in this part of the video labeling settings description and examples. Learn how to import meshes back in Maya through the Naiad Buddy and adjusting NOT particle shapes.

Multi Chapter Featured Project: Hero Boat Wake
Part1: Water tank setup
• Overview on the pipeline process of a boat wake
• Geometry export with Naiad Buddy.
• Setting up a waves tank graph: step-by-step description of the graph.
• How to limit the reflections form the tank ( boundary layer )

Part2: Extending ocean to horizon
• Setting up the ocean extention plane with NOT
• How to tweak velocities in collision objects
• Adding ocean waves to the original sim
• Combining the results

Part3: Foam pass
• How to setup a Foam pass of kinematic particles ( passive ) sliding on the surface of the water.

Part4: Splash pass
• Setup for a splash pass with balisting and fully dynamic particles.
• Herd the particles from the main water sim to generate a light emission criteria cache which we then use to spawn a fully dynamic splash system.

Part5: Wet pass
• Setup for a wet pass.

About Diego Trazzi
Diego Trazzi is an accomplished effects professional, who has been in the industry for more than 10 years. His earlier years involve TD generalist work and motion capture before he turned into a savvy in special effects, extensively on fluid simulation.
His recent award was the Best single visual effect of the year in VES award 2009 for the highly talked-about “Neytiri drinking shot” in Avatar, which was predominantly Trazzi’s contribution for fluid simulations. He was also one of the very few people who helped developing Exotic Matter’s “Naiad” since alpha version.

Started his career from Italy then reached to several continents, Trazzi has completed a long list of remarkable work on major film titles such as X-men : First Class, Avatar, The A-Team, Harry Potter and so on. As a result, he has acquired a broad range of technical knowledge and problem solving skills. At Siggraph 2010, Diego Trazzi gave a presentation on liquid simulation in Avatar, which was one of the highlights of the sessions.


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cmiVFX is the leader in high end video training for the visual effects and computer graphics industry. We train everyone from individuals to institutions to other training companies.


关于(CG-1655) (CG-1655)CMIVFX | NAIAD Simulating Liquids Volume 1(NAIAD液体模拟第一卷)的介绍请访问http://www.gbstuff.com/cg/productshopxp.asp?id=2720


















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