
宝马/耐克/菲亚特 概念设计师 斯科特·罗伯逊讲解 飞行器绘画教学 中文字幕中英文翻译服务

类别 中文字幕/绘画类/
名称 宝马/耐克/菲亚特 概念设计师 斯科特·罗伯逊讲解 飞行器绘画教学 中文字幕
编号 ZM-95

Scott毕业于艺术设计中心学院,并于1990年4月获得交通运输工具设计学士学位,在毕业的当天,他与好朋友Neville Page(阿凡达的创作者)在旧金山开了一家产品设计咨询公司。他们的客户包括了Kestrel, Giro Sport Design, 日产汽车, 沃尔沃汽车, 还有雅马哈.1995年Scott搬到了瑞士韦威,在艺术中心欧洲分部教授绘画与工业设计直到1996年。从欧洲回来以后,Scott的客户包括了BMW(宝马)美国分部,Raleigh Bicycles, Mattel Toys, Patagonia, Minority Report feature film(电影:少数派报告), Nike(耐克), Rock Shox, Universal Studios(环球影城:美国著名电影制片商), Angel Studios and Fiat(菲亚特)等等。现在他继续在艺术设计中心学院教授绘画,最近SCOTT开设了DESIGN STUDIO PRESS,该公司致力于启发性与教育性的艺术书籍与DVD

Scott Robertson Designer Founder, Design Studio Press

Scott attended Art Center College of Design where he graduated with honors with a B.S. degree in Transportation Design in April 1990. The day after graduation, Scott opened a product design consulting firm in San Francisco with friend Neville Page. While there clients included Kestrel, Giro Sport Design, Nissan, Volvo, and Yamaha. In 1995 Scott relocated to Vevey, Switzerland to teach drawing and industrial design at Art Center, Europe until the middle of 1996. Since returning from Europe, Scott’s clients have included BMW subsidiary Design-works/USA, Raleigh Bicycles, Mattel Toys, Patagonia, Minority Report feature film, Nike, Rock Shox, Universal Studios, Angel Studios and Fiat, to name a few. Today he continues to teach drawing at Art Center College of Design. Recently, Scott launched Design Studio Press, a publishing company dedicated to inspiring and educational art books and DVDs.





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