
EAT3D | Portrait Production - Creating a Realistic Portrait in Maya(在MAYA中制作超真实肖像 中文字幕 翻译示范)中英文翻译服务

类别 视频教学翻译示范/Maya教学翻译示范/
名称 EAT3D | Portrait Production - Creating a Realistic Portrait in Maya(在MAYA中制作超真实肖像 中文字幕 翻译示范)
编号 ZM-93



Tony Reynolds从年轻的时候就开始学习视觉艺术设计,至今从事美术设计有30年的时间了,并且在2005年开始了他的视频游戏制作生涯。他曾在EA游戏公司与Sony在线娱乐,Austin等公司工作过,他现在是资深角色设计师,正在参与制作的项目是一个叫做DC UNIVERSE ONLINE的游戏。

Tony Reynolds has been training in the visual arts from a young age, and started his video game career in 2005. He has worked at Electronic Arts and Sony Online Entertainment, Austin, where he is currently the Lead Senior Character and Technical Artist.


在本教学中,TONY带领大家学习在MAYA 2011中创建与使用MENRAL RAY渲染出一个人物肖像。Tony从一个使用ZBRUSH雕塑过的头部开始,告诉大家如何准备模型,并将它输入到MAYA中,接下来他非常详细的讲解了 MAYA的设置,照明与MENTAL RAY,简单与高级材质的设置,皮肤材质,渲染眼睛,渲染牙齿,渲染舌头,为面部创建毛发,使用渲染层等,最终在PHOTOSHOP中对这些层进行了合成。

In this DVD, Instructor Tony Reynolds takes you through the process of creating and rendering out a portrait using Mental Ray in Maya 2011. Tony starts off by taking a previously sculpted head from Zbrush and shows you how to prepare and export the model for Maya. From there he goes into great detail on all the Maya setup and settings, lighting with Mental Ray, simple and advanced skin shader setup, skin textures, rendering eyes, rendering teeth, rendering a tongue, creating hair for the face and head, using render layers, and compositing the render layers in Photoshop.


本字幕对应的教学是(CG-1438)EAT3D | Portrait Production - Creating a Realistic Portrait in Maya(在MAYA中制作超真实肖像)的介绍请访问http://www.gbstuff.com/cg/productshopxp.asp?id=2483

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