
Keith Lango动画原理动画大师培训课程 上部 中文字幕中英文翻译服务

类别 中文字幕/动画制作类/
名称 Keith Lango动画原理动画大师培训课程 上部 中文字幕
编号 ZM-85
Keith Lango VTS and Animation Tutorials(Keith Lango动画原理教程 中文字幕)

本字幕为Keith lang VTS动画大师上下两部教学字幕的上部,本教学时间长达26小时,本作品由琪派听译培训网(www.gbstuff.com)提供翻译示范,加入琪派听说译一对一培训课程,独立听懂原版英文视频

Keith Lango介绍
Keith Lango是一名独立动画师,作者,教师,导演与动画顾问,在过去的动画工作中,他参与了大量动画项目的制作,包括了从奥斯卡提名短剧到视频游戏剧场片,电视,故事片,在线动画,还有商业广告等。Keith还参与了多本动画书籍的编写。作为一名在多家公司任职的动画监制,Keith培训出了非常多热门动画师,他的动画教学在世界上很多的学校与大学中作为教材使用。他的在线的动画VTS被认为是全世界最棒的动画培训服务,全世界大量希望进入电影动画与游戏动画制作行业的学员都在使用他的培训服务。

Keith lango自我介绍:

在这些年里,我非常有幸与一些有卓越才能的人一起工作,参与了非常多的,超酷的项目制作:我参与了大家童年标志性动画片的制作(米老鼠与特种部队),singing vegetables(唱歌的蔬菜),space traveling penguins(太空旅游的企鹅),奥斯卡提名电影,商业片,顶级游戏动画剧场片,故事片等的制作,现在又做游戏。过去的日子里我做了一些短片,并且尝试做更多的短篇。或许在某一天我希望能将其中一两个大型的故事展现在大家面前。


Keith lango动画原理其他介绍信息:VTS教学系列是专为高端角色动画设计师提供的月度发行的视频教学。Keith lango出版本教学的目的在于分享他在电视,电影,游戏,视频行业中从事了10多年的专业角色设计师,动画监制与导演工作的经验。Keith lango已经培训了非常多的动画师,其中很多人都进入了全球顶级的动画公司,例如皮克斯(Pixar)。Keith lango说:“我在VTS中教授的内容与在我课堂上教授这些学生的内容完全一样。因此对于很多人来说,这会是一个让他们能够负担的起的学习专业动画知识的方式。”

The VTS is a monthly subscription based video training system for high end performance character animation. The goal and focus of the VTS is to share my knowledge and understanding of character animation based upon my 10+ years experience as a professional character animator, animation supervisor and animation director for television, video, game cinematics and feature film. I've hired and trained dozens of animators in my career and many of them have gone on to the biggest animation studios in the world. The same things I taught them I teach on the VTS. It really is one of the most affordable ways to get material from an experienced professional animator.



VTS01 -- Poses, part I

VTS02 -- Poses, part II

VTS03 -- Poses, part III
Topics Covered: weight in posing, natural poses, using the feet & spine properly, major staging issues.

VTS04 -- Poses, part IV
Topics Covered: staging hand actions, eyeline staging, thumb-nailing weight in poses, introverted/extroverted posing.

VTS05 -- Timing, part I
Topics Covered: Intro to timing, definitions of timing/spacing/phrasing, animation as language, timing examples, suggested timing workflow .

VTS06 -- Timing, part II
Topics Covered: Thorough conversation of breakdowns and anticipations and how they help determine proper timing.

VTS07 -- Timing, part III
Topics Covered: Eases and how to use them in combination with anticipations, also pose based timing workflow.

VTS08 -- Timing, part IV
Topics Covered: Smart building of breakdown poses, how to work overlaps into your workflow earlier, the power of micro-anticipations.

VTS09 -- Timing, part V
Topics Covered: An in depth look at Timing and its effect on how we perceive weight. Also basic rules for timing of actions on the heads and tails of shots.

VTS10 -- Timing, part VI
Topics Covered: An in depth look at phrasing in animation, how phrasing relates to story telling and is intertwined with timing and spacing.

VTS11 -- Timing, part VII
Topics Covered: We explore the significant differences between what makes for realistic/naturalistic motion vs. cartoon/stylized motion. Also a discussion of multiple character screen space interaction and staging for emotional impact.

VTS12 -- Acting, part I
Topics Covered: We begin our discussion of acting in animation. Key questions of character motivation, relation to story goals and how to break down the expression of emotional states.

VTS13 -- Acting, part II
Topics Covered: How to create unique and character specific personalities through gesture, motion and pose. Techniques for finding unique expressions of emotional moments in individual characters.

VTS14 -- Acting & Blocking, part I
Topics Covered: Hands on planning and thumb-nailing of a production scene from scratch to match audio dialog, indicate and find unique and character specific acting and performance.
Acting & Blocking教学的第一部分,规划与制作场景缩略图来匹配对话音频,找到独特的与角色特有的舞台表现。长度41分26秒

VTS15 -- Acting & Blocking, part II
Topics Covered: Continuation of VTS14 topic, but now explored and executed in CG on the computer using an animation rig. Each decision and move explained for result, intent and motivation.
Acting & Blocking教学的第二部分,继续讲解VTS 14的主题,本节是在电脑中使用骨骼绑定来进行探索,对每个决定与动作都解释了它的结果,目的与动机。长度1小时1分23秒

VTS16 -- Acting & Blocking, part III
Topics Covered: Continuation of building and blocking a performance for a production scene. Step by step insight into the blocking process.
Acting & Blocking教学的第三部分,继续创建与勾勒场景的表现,一步步的深入学习Blocking流程。长度42分01秒

VTS17 -- Acting & Blocking, part IV
Topics Covered: Completion of blocking the performance for a production scene. Open vs. closed facial animation, intro of breakdown technique.
Acting & Blocking的第四部分,完成场景表现的勾勒。学习开放与封闭的面部动画,Breakdown技术的介绍。长度48分48秒

VTS17se -- Image Based Timing Workflow
Topics Covered: Discussion of workflow optimization, thorough exploration of using free pencil timer software MonkeyJam for timing of CG scenes. Includes free MEL script for Maya to bridge between MonkeyJam and Maya.

VTS18 -- Blocking & Breakdowns, part I
Topics Covered: A deeper discussion of the nature and importance of breakdowns, their role, how to implement them and how to use them in scene blocking for a better controlled workflow.
Blocking & Breakdowns教学的第一部分,深入讨论了Breakdown的起源与重要性,它们的功能,如何在场景勾勒阶段来使用它们。长度54分31秒

VTS19 -- Blocking & Breakdowns, part II
Topics Covered: Explore understanding of the principle of Process Dependencies to allow for better structure & control when animating. Distinctions made between key poses and breakdowns, including explanation of the different types of breakdowns, their role and their place in the construction heirarchy of animation.
Blocking & Breakdowns教学的第二部分,研究了过程依赖性原理,从而在动画的时候制作更好的结构,实现更好的控制。区分Key poses与Breakdown,包括解释了不同类型的breakdown,还有它们在动画层级结构中的作用与地位。长度49分47秒

VTS20 -- Blocking & Breakdowns, part III
Topics Covered: After a few videos of deep explanation, we see an application of primary breakdowns in real production scene. We discuss how breakdowns affect poses while being applied.
Blocking & Breakdowns教学的第三部分,通过几个教学的讲解,我们现在来看看如何在真实场景制作中应用主breakdowns,我们将讨论breakdown在被应用的时候是如何影响姿势的。长度50分13秒

VTS21 -- Blocking & Breakdowns, part IV
Topics Covered: We wrap up the breakdown section, do some Q&A and go deep into exploring how to integrate a straight ahead animation work-flow into a scene with good structure.
Blocking & Breakdowns的教学的第四部分,我们完成了breakdown部分的讲解,对一些问题进行了解答,接着深入研究了如何将一个无任何修饰的动画集成到一个结构良好的场景中。长度51分20秒

VTS22 -- Walks
Topics Covered: A thorough primer on walks, from basic blocking theory to full on application of the various bodily mechanics. The concepts covered provide a clear base for building out all kinds of walks or all styles.

VTS23 -- Post Blocking Clean-Up, part I
Topics Covered: Introductory overview of the post blocking clean up process. Highlights common fundamental mistakes and how to move with confidence into what many consider the trickiest part of CG animation.
Post Blocking Clean-Up教学第一部分,Blocking阶段后的清理过程的基本概念,指出其中一些常见的问题,让大家能够非常自信的处理那些被认为是CG动画中最复杂的部分。长度55分36秒

VTS24 -- Post Blocking Clean-Up, part II
Topics Covered: Continuation of how to approach taking a scene from stepped blocking to linear inbetweens as a part of the over-all 'clean up' process. This video focuses on cleaning the "core" of the character first.
Post Blocking Clean-Up教学的第二部分,学习如何将一个场景从Stepped blocking模式转换为有线性inbetween的场景,这个教学集中于处理角色的核心部分。长度56分57秒

VTS25 -- Post Blocking Clean-Up, part III
Topics Covered: Basic spline editing techniques along with a look at how to handle making your own reviews, notes, edits and fixes.
Post Blocking Clean-Up教学的第三部分,基本的样条线编辑技术,还学习了如何制作你自己的评论,笔记,进行编辑于修改。长度48分50秒

VTS26 -- F-Curve Editing Essentials
Topics Covered: A deeper look at the different methods for editing f-curves in CG animation. Additional topics include curve smoothness and keyframe reduction principles.

VTS27 -- Details & Structure, part I
Topics Covered: A lecture based discussion about the nature, form, purpose and place of details in animation, especially in relation to their use within a larger structure for the movement.
Details & Structure教学的第一部分,对动画中细节的特性,造型与目的还有作用进行了讲解,还特别讲解了它们在更大的运动结构中的用处系。长度45分59秒

VTS28 -- Details & Structure, part II
Topics Covered: Detailed discussion of how to plan, integrate and complete details into a larger animation structure. Includes how to use video reference to study details.
Details & Structure教学的第二部分,详细讨论了如何在大的动画结构中规划,集成与完成细节,还包括了如何使用视频参考来研究细节。长度40分49秒

VTS29 -- Facial Animation , part I
Topics Covered: We begin our conversation about facial animation by exploring the relationship between the body and the face, how the "golden triangle of emotion" comes into play as well as the importance of internal connectivity within facial animation.
面部动画教学的第一部分,我们通过讨论身体与面部的关系来开始讲解面部动画。了解表情的黄金三角的作用与内心现实的重要性。 长度46分06秒

VTS30 -- Facial Animation , part II - Brows
Topics Covered: Everything you wanted to know about brows and more! We focus on mechanics specifically, building a foundation of understanding that allows the animator to express a wid variety of shapes and emotions within the context of believability.

VTS31 -- Facial Animation , part III - Eyes
Topics Covered: We look at many areas of detail regarding animating the eyes, the importance of eyeline, integration with the entire face as well as specific ways to move the eyes to give the impression of life and thought.

VTS32 -- Facial Animation , part IV- Lipsync Basic Princples
Topics Covered: A clever and immensely effective and simple way to nail lipsync in a very brief amount of time. We cover the framework for creating solid lipsync that can be used in either high footage or low footage scenarios.

VTS33 -- Facial Animation, part VI- Lipsync Basic Princples 2
Topics Covered: How to incorporate specific emotion into the base blocking of lipsync. Then we look at how to expand this to create specific and unique facial acting performances with speech.

VTS34 -- Advanced Acting, part 1: The Power of Subtext
Topics Covered: An idepth lecture that unveils the world of the voice actor's challenge and how the animator can tap into the actor's process to find the real gold in a voice performance.

VTS35 -- Advanced Acting, part 2: Motivation & Emotional Goals
Topics Covered: This lecture explore the realms of emtional motivations, playing "goals" and how to express inner emotional realities and goals through gesture and body language.


关于(CG-1445)Keith Lango VTS and Animation Tutorials(Keith Lango动画原理教程)的介绍请访问http://www.gbstuff.com/cg/productshopxp.asp?id=2491

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