
美国著名漫画家 Alvin Lee 讲解漫画格局与铅笔绘画 中文字幕 翻译演示中英文翻译服务

类别 翻译人员翻译范例/陈杰-翻译示范/
名称 美国著名漫画家 Alvin Lee 讲解漫画格局与铅笔绘画 中文字幕 翻译演示
编号 ZM-435



1997年,17岁的艾尔文·李(Alvin Lee)开始了他的漫画创作生涯,现在是业内知名的资深人士。艾尔文是为数不多的北美出生的漫画家,目前仍在参与动漫/漫画制作。他曾与多家漫画出版商合作,包括漫威、DC/Wildstorm、Dreamwave Productions以及最近的UDON漫画和娱乐公司。其中包括《死侍》、《X特工》、《X战警:天启时代》、《第13代》,以及最著名的《街头霸王》漫画系列的复兴。他也为Capcom的两款电子游戏《Capcom fight Jam》和Xbox 360版《街头霸王2 Turbo》创作了游戏艺术。


In this DVD, comic book artist Alvin Lee explores the creation of two sequential comic book pages from script to finished pencils. He begins by dissecting the script through rough thumbnails, evaluating the pros and cons of each. He then lays out the two pages, discussing the importance of storytelling, character placement and readability in a sequential comic book layout. Next, Alvin shows how to prepare the layouts for light-boxing and sets up the final pages. He completes the demonstration discussing his pencilling techniques as he finishes the pencils with his own unique anime/manga influenced style.

Thumbnailing: variation and experimentation
Character expression and placement
Camera angles, readability and structure
Pencilling techniques

01. Introduction
02. Sequential Page Thumbnailing
03. Camera Axis
04. Full Bleed Thumbnailing
05. Sequential Page Layout
06. Full Bleed Layout
07. Light-Boxing
08. Border Placement
09. Sequential Page: Character Detailing
10. Sequential Page: Backgrounds
11. Full Bleed: Character Detailing
12. Full Bleed: Creature Detailing
13. Full Bleed: Backgrounds


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