
美国肖像协会教员 玛格丽特•卡特•鲍姆加特纳 讲解 人物肖像绘画 教学 中文字幕 翻译示范中英文翻译服务

类别 视频教学翻译示范/绘画教学教学翻译示范/
名称 美国肖像协会教员 玛格丽特•卡特•鲍姆加特纳 讲解 人物肖像绘画 教学 中文字幕 翻译示范
编号 ZMT-345




DVD 1 对正装肖像,油画颜料,调色板和其他材料的介绍。绘画的七步法。色彩理论:混合肉色,校正泥色和白垩色。模型设置:灯光定位、背景和模特姿势。画头肩正装人像图:测量头部、笔刷大小、构造卡通、剪影和阴影形状。

DVD 2 灯光和阴影:建立光和阴影模式。三明暗块:确定明暗块、构图。颜色校正:在不改变明暗度的情况下确定正确的颜色。使它变圆:在三维空间画头部,控制边缘的结束,投射阴影,转角边缘。布置特征:基于简化的头部平面布置特征。

DVD 3放置特征第2部分:基于简化的头部平面放置特征。完成特征:单独的章节讲解如何完成眼睛,鼻子,嘴,耳朵和下巴。

DVD 4 完成肖像的头和肩膀:单独的章节讲解如何完成西装,衬衫和领带。绘制四分之三正装肖像图:在画布上绘制四分之三的姿势。从远处测量模型。卡通,剪影和阴影形状的构造

DVD 5 灯光和阴影:建立光和阴影模式。三明暗块的确定:明暗块的确定、构图。颜色校正:在不改变值的情况下确定正确的颜色。使它变圆:在三维空间画头部,控制边缘的结束,投射阴影,转角边缘。布置特征:基于简化的头部平面布置特征。

DVD 6 完成四分之三肖像:通过单独的章节讲解如何完成头部和手,蓝色西装,领带和衬衫,纽扣和,并绘制皮革,木材,和背景。为画像装裱并传递。细节:完成的画像。

附赠DVD 7手彩绘第1章:七步法,第2章:手的解剖,第3章:完成左手,第4章:完成右手。

The seven-disk DVD series covers everything you need to know about painting a corporate head and shoulder portrait and a three-quarter portrait. A special one-hour bonus on painting the hands in included!

DVD 1 Introduction to the Corporate Portrait. Oil paints, palette, and other materials. The Seven Step Method of painting. Color theory: Mixing flesh tones, correcting mud and chalkiness. Setting Up the Model: Positioning lighting, background and model pose. Painting the Head and Shoulders Corporate Portrait Drawing: Measuring the head, brush-sizing, construction of the cartoon, silhouette and shadow shapes.

DVD 2 Lit and Shadow: Establishing light and shadow patterns. Three Value Massing: determining values masses, composition of the painting. Color Correction: Determining correct color without changing value. Making it Round: Painting the head in three dimensions, controlling terminating edges, cast shadows, and cool turning edges. Placing the Features: Placement of the features based on simplified panes of the head.

DVD 3 Placing the Features part 2: Placement of the features based on simplified planes of the head. Finishing the Features: Individual chapters with instructions on how to finish the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and chin.

DVD 4 Finishing the Corporate Head and Shoulders: Individual chapters with instructions ho how to finish the suit, shirt and tie. Painting the Three Quarter Corporate Portrait Drawing: Placement of the three quarter pose on the canvas. Instruction on girding. Measuring the model at a distance. Construction of the cartoon, silhouette and shadow shape.

DVD 5 Lit and Shadow: Establishing light and shadow patterns. Three Value Massing: determining values masses, composition of the painting. Color Correction: Determining correct color without changing value. Making it Round: Painting the head in 3 dimension, controlling terminating the edges, cast shadows, and cool turning edges. Placing the Features: Placement of the features based on simplified planes.

DVD 6 Finishing the Three Quarter Corporate Portrait: Individual chapters with instructions on how to finish the head and hands, blue suit, tie and shirt, buttons and pints, and painting leather, wood, and the background. Marketing and commissions. Framing and delivering the portrait. Detail: Finished Portrait.

Bonus DVD 7 Painting the Hands Chapter 1: The Seven Step Method, Chapter 2: Anatomy of the Hand, Chapter 3: Finishing the Left Hand, Chapter 4: Finishing the Right Hand.

玛格丽特•卡特•鲍姆加特纳(Margaret Carter Baumgaertner)的客户包括州长、国会议员、首席执行官、演员、医生和家庭。


玛格丽特·卡特·鲍姆加特纳(Margaret Carter Baumgaertner)主修医学插画和微生物学,在开始她的肖像职业生涯之前,她做了八年的自由医学插画师。她曾在明尼苏达州的Atelier Lack、马萨诸塞州的Cape Cod艺术学院学习,曾从师过塞德里克·埃格里(Cedric Egeli)、约翰·霍华德·桑登(John Howard Sanden)和理查德·惠特尼(Richard Whitney)。

Margaret Carter Baumgaertner's notable commissions have included governors, congressmen, chief executive officers, actors, physicians and families.

Winner of the Best of Show in the Portrait Society of America 2000 Portrait competition, she is now a faculty member and demonstrator at the Portrait Society of America Portrait conferences. Her portrait of "Clare" was selected for the cover and inclusion in the book, The Best of Portrait Painting, published by North Light Books.

Margaret Carter Baumgaertner majored in medical illustration and microbiology, and worked eight years as a freelance medical illustrator before beginning her career in portraiture. She has studied at Atelier Lack in Minnesota, and the Cape Cod School of Art in Massachusetts, as well as with Cedric Egeli, John Howard Sanden, and Richard Whitney.


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