
Alan Thorn | Cert Prep: Unity Animation and Cinematics(美国国家影视学院游戏设计与开发系主任讲解:Unity动画影视教学 中文字幕 翻译示范)中英文翻译服务

类别 视频教学翻译示范/其他教学翻译示范/
名称 Alan Thorn | Cert Prep: Unity Animation and Cinematics(美国国家影视学院游戏设计与开发系主任讲解:Unity动画影视教学 中文字幕 翻译示范)
编号 ZMT-321



Unity拥有强大的动画功能,可以让你的人物和物体栩栩如生。在本课中,讲师Alan Thorn会让你了解游戏引擎的动画功能,他会帮你为Unity认证联合考试的动画与影视部分做准备。学习如何创建动画和使用动画事件,以及如何从第三方应用程序导入角色模型和骨骼绑定。另外,了解如何使用时间线创建电影序列,处理多个对象和角色,并利用Cinemachine构建虚拟电影摄影,让你的游戏多一点戏剧性。

Unity boasts powerful animation features that can help you bring characters and objects to life. In this course, instructor Alan Thorn gets you acquainted with the game engine’s animation capabilities as he prepares you for the user animation and cinematics portion of the Unity Certified Associate exam. Learn how to create animations and work with animation events, as well as how to import character models and rigs from third-party applications. Plus, see how to use timelines to create cinematic sequences, work with multiple objects and characters, and leverage Cinemachine to build virtual cinematography that adds an extra layer of drama to your games.

Alan Thorn是一位拥有17年行业经验的游戏开发者、作者和教育家。

艾伦创作在个人电脑、手机和虚拟现实中运行的游戏。他创建了Wax Lyrical Games,并创造了屡获殊荣的游戏男爵Wittard: 拉格纳洛克的复仇女神,他在其中担任了设计师、程序员和艺术家。他撰写了23本关于游戏开发的技术书籍,并讲授了许多视频培训课程,包括游戏玩法编程、Unity开发、3D建模和动画。他曾担任提赛德大学的高级讲师,Uppingham学校的首席教师,以及伦敦南岸大学的访问讲师。现任国家影视学院游戏设计与开发系主任。

Alan Thorn is a multidisciplinary game developer, author, and educator with 17 years of industry experience.

Alan makes games for PC, mobile, and virtual reality. He founded Wax Lyrical Games and created the award-winning game Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok, working as designer, programmer, and artist. He has written 23 technical books on game development and presented many video training courses, covering gameplay programming, Unity development, 3D modeling, and animation. He has worked in game development education as a senior lecturer for Teesside University, a lead teacher for Uppingham School, and a visiting lecturer for London South Bank University. He is currently the head of department for Games Design and Development at the National Film and Television School.


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