
美国克拉克大学美术教授艾米·韦恩 讲解 人物绘画:色调渲染 中文字幕 翻译示范中英文翻译服务

类别 视频教学翻译示范/绘画教学教学翻译示范/
名称 美国克拉克大学美术教授艾米·韦恩 讲解 人物绘画:色调渲染 中文字幕 翻译示范
编号 ZMT-318



怎样才能把一幅好的人物画变成一幅很棒的人物画呢? 给它戏剧性的色调渲染。本课程在iPad pro上教授,一步步的讲解了如何使用色调渲染技术,增强图像的立体效果与戏剧性。讲师Amy Wynne首先演示了如何创建一个由五部分组成的色调渐变,然后演示了如何将其应用于简单的三维几何形状,比如一个鸡蛋、一个圆柱体和一个块状对象上。这些形状是构建您的图形的基础模块。艾米还展示了如何使用让自己受到其他的大师绘画作品,从内而外—从结构到色调—运用剪影和伪装来完成造型。本课程结束的时候,您将掌握一些可以帮助您添加漂亮的灯光和阴影的简单技术,

How can you make a good figure drawing into a great figure drawing? Give it drama with tonal rendering. This course—taught on the iPad Pro—provides you with step-by-step demonstrations that can help you enhance the dimensionality and drama of your figure drawings using tonal rendering techniques. Instructor Amy Wynne starts by demonstrating how to create a five-part tonal gradient, and then shows how to apply this to simple 3D geometric shapes such as an egg, a cylinder, and a block; these shapes serve as the building blocks for constructing your figures. Amy also shows how to build the figure from the inside out—from structure to tonality—and apply silhouette and camouflage using inspiring master drawings as examples. Upon completing this course, you'll be equipped with a few simple techniques that can help you add beautiful lights and shadows to your figure sketches.




Amy Wynne is a nationally exhibited painter and fine arts professor at Clark University.

Amy lives and works in Pawtucket, RI. She exhibits in galleries nationally and has work in private and corporate collections. She holds an MFA in painting from the New York Academy of Art and a BA in art history and cultural anthropology from Smith College. Amy is Rhode Island School of Design's certificate advisor and received their Teacher of Excellence Award in 2015.

She has been teaching college-level classes in painting and drawing for 25 years at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Holy Cross College; Boston College; and Clark University.


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